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Solved Visual Builder/Preview Doesn't Match Live Site

Discussion in 'Free Divi Community Forum' started by Brittany Evans, Jul 24, 2018.

  1. Brittany Evans

    Brittany Evans New Member

    We've been having several problems with the Divi builder in recent months, but the most urgent is some pages that use the Visual Builder seem to strip some of their CSS when published. Everything looks perfect in the page preview and while using the Visual Builder, but the live site looks different after publishing.

    Example page: http://ritchiecenter.du.edu/youth/pass-camp/

    On that page, the biggest problem areas are the subheading and button in the Fullwidth Header at the top, and the "2018 P.A.S.S. Camp Schedule" section (midway down the page) which uses the Pricing Module.

    The attached images show how the page appears in the Visual Builder and how it should appear when published. (Compare them to the live site.)

    What's really odd is that everything was published correctly until yesterday evening when I went to modify a link in one of the modules. Everything looks good in the builder (and when you preview the page before publishing) but as soon as I publish the page, it seems to strip the CSS for some--but not all--of the modules. I didn't make any changes or even open the editor for that Fullwidth Header at the top, and yet something changed when published.

    We had this exact same problem (with the exact same modules on this page) about a month ago, but it seemed to correct itself after we removed a split test on one of the modules. We're not currently running any split tests (on any page), so that's not causing the problem this time.

    We are running the latest version of Divi (3.10.2) and WordPress (4.9.7). We've cleared cache everywhere (browser, server, local storage, etc.) and are not using a cache plugin. The site is hosted with WPEngine, and we worked extensively with WPEngine when this problem happened last month. They were not able to troubleshoot the problem.

    I have deactived each of our plugins one-by-one, and we're still having the same problem, so I don't believe this is caused by a plugin conflict.

    Attached Files:

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  2. Divi.Help

    Divi.Help Administrator
    Staff Member

    Try to disable these options:


    Jatindra Nath likes this.
  3. Brittany Evans

    Brittany Evans New Member

    Already done as of Monday with no luck.
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  4. Divi.Help

    Divi.Help Administrator
    Staff Member

    It seems to be some CSS error:
    .et_pb_fullwidth_header.et_pb_fullwidth_header_1{background-image:linear-gradient(180deg,#962527 0%,#e5393c 100%);background-color:"rgba(255,}

    I think this CSS error is coming from Divi Fullwidth Header Extended plugin. It's best for you to refer to the developer.
  5. Brittany Evans

    Brittany Evans New Member

    Interesting. Thanks for catching that. I'll see if we can work with our designer to get in touch with Divi support.
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  6. Lucas Ledbetter

    Lucas Ledbetter New Member

  7. Lucas Ledbetter

    Lucas Ledbetter New Member

    Now we're noticing that on the above page, fonts aren't rendering and the "Sign Up" button isn't showing, either.
    1. PRO MEMBER PERKS Divi.Help Header AI Generator - Try the power of AI to generate a custom Divi header for you:Try Now
  8. Divi.Help

    Divi.Help Administrator
    Staff Member

    Try to disable Static CSS File Generation & see if it works: WP Admin > Divi > Theme Options > Builder > Advanced > Static CSS File Generation > Disabled.
  9. Fred Earls

    Fred Earls New Member

    I, too, am having this problem. I've made changes on buttons per your post on top of this page. Refreshed...no luch.

    My image in the header does not show on live site, but does show when divi builder enabled.

    my site: www.newfoundationsinc.com

    Thank you,

    Fred Earls
    1. PRO MEMBER PERKS Divi Cart Count Plugin - Easily add cart count to your Divi cart icon. 6 different styles to choose from:Learn More
  10. Divi.Help

    Divi.Help Administrator
    Staff Member

    Seems like in your CSS file, there's this invalid CSS code:
    Log In or Sign Up to view this code.
    You will need to find it & remove it.
    coderlisan likes this.
  11. Fred Earls

    Fred Earls New Member

    Thank you!
    coderlisan likes this.
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  12. Taner

    Taner New Member

    We have similar problem with our website also. WHen I preview and edit on wordpress from divi builder, ı can see every design as I made. However on live site, background seems all white and photos are not ordered and showed that I designed.

    website: www.bznesinturkey.com

    Please help me to find the problem. I tried restore, clear cache, plugin compatibitiy check, etc. but no luck.
  13. Divi.Help

    Divi.Help Administrator
    Staff Member

    I was able to see all the background images.

    As for the first section right column images overlapping with the section below, it's because you set a height for the Row Settings. You will need to go to the Row Settings & remove the height value.
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  14. dans1990

    dans1990 New Member

    I am having the same Issue please helppp site is browardcountylocksmith.com

    Attached Files:

  15. luke beard

    luke beard New Member

    Hi Divi,

    the Visual Editor shows the images at a scale and size that i would like to disply. however it jumps to a smaller window and image size when exiting to live view
    have disabled and cleared CSS. also changing woocommerce>product image size shows no affect.

    live-site.jpg visual builder.jpg visual builder.jpg
    1. PRO MEMBER PERKS Divi Block Pro - Premade logo carousel design for your Divi site without using any plugins:View Demo
  16. AlexLuyolo

    AlexLuyolo New Member

    Also having a problem where everything on divi page builder looks perfect. But once you view the live site, a slider (GS Logo Slider Lite) that is placed at the bottom of the web page jumps to the top and hovers over all other content. Anybody else have the same issue or a fix for this?
  17. Max Close

    Max Close New Member

    I had repeated problems with the GS Logo Slider moving to top of content on multiple sites after updating Divi a few versions back - I changed to another logo carousel plugin and it worked fine
    1. PRO MEMBER PERKS Divi Block Pro - Premade horizontal timeline design for your Divi site without using any plugins:View Demo
  18. Max Close

    Max Close New Member

    I'm having the visual builder issue here too - I style with it and then save and then random updated styles don't appear. I go back to visual editor and they re-appear. I've tried turning off minimizing css and js, toggling the Divi Options/Builder/Advanced/ Static CSS to on and off etc.

    I'm just creating a very simple design home page for a client who lost their home page content while trying to edit it a while back ... I'm using web.archive.org to get a visual while re-constructing in Divi. Should have taken no time to do .... but now it's getting annoying!!

    Any further solutions other than those mentioned above?
  19. Divi.Help

    Divi.Help Administrator
    Staff Member

    Once you made your changes, you may check the live site on browser console & see the respective CSS is there or not.

    If not, then most likely it's a cache issue. If you don't have any cache plugin installed & you already cleared the Divi static file cache, then the only thing left is the hosting server cache.

    Previously, I did face this issue when using Siteground hosting, where it automatically cache my site on the server even though I didn't install SG Optimizer plugin. And what I did to clear the cache is to install the SG Optimizer plugin & clear the plugin cache.
    1. PRO MEMBER PERKS Divi Ultimate Archive Plugin - Replace the default archive "Older Entries" with beautiful pagination:Learn More
  20. Re802n

    Re802n New Member

    I'm kiiiind of having this error and hoping that it is okay to post here.

    The issue I am having is that on my computer the website looks fine. However my client sees something different than I do. I migrated the site recently and when it first migrated there were some weird visual bugs that when I went to the visual editor and just resaved everything they worked themselves out. However, my client is still seeing this visual discrepancies.

    Basically for her, everything is bigger, the whole scaling of the site is too big, yet on my screen, both in the visual builder and outside of it, everything is fine. Prior to the migration this was not an issue.

    I have an addon domain attached to my main domain. When using that addon domain as the url, she gets the visual differences, however when I give her the subdomain that the addon domain is pointing to, everything looks as it should for her.

    Here is the addon domain (the domain we want it to be) : https://ulrikaa.com (test page : https://ulrikaa.com/embroidered-works)
    Here is the subdomain of my main site (which will redirect to the above domain, however using this subdomain on one of the other pages will not) : https://ulrikaa.splendidsunstudios.com (compare to above test page : https://ulrikaa.splendidsunstudios.com/embroidered-works)

    Do you have the same experience that she does and see two different sized pages when looking at these two different test pages?
    Any ideas as to why this is happening and how I might fix it so that when I hit save on the visual builder it looks the same on all computers? (relatively, I know that depending on screen size things will vary depending on how I have programmed in sizes and widths in each individual module and for different screens)

    Thank you for looking and for any input,