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DIVI Header #7

Discussion in 'Basic Support Forum' started by laurenbach, Nov 30, 2023.

  1. laurenbach

    laurenbach Member
    Divi Ultimate Header Plugin

    Hi DIVI Header Support-
    Is there a way in the mobile view for the header to turn off the Logo and default mobile 3 line menu row that the DIVI Theme generates for all mobile menus and simply insert the logo on the same row dark teal row that has the Book Now? I am thinking I will remove the social media icons, add a white logo to the left of the book now button and add the 3 white lines (mobile menu) to the right of book now is that possible in just the mobile view?

    Here is the link to the site - https://iluminarnosara.com/

    Please advise. Lauren B.
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  2. Divi.Help Pro Support

    Divi.Help Pro Support Administrator
    Staff Member

    Try the below CSS in WP Admin > Divi > Theme Options > Custom CSS to hide the mobile menu:
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    Then you will need to edit your Divi Ultimate Header layout to create the design that you want.

    Basically, you just need to add a new section with teal background color & set the section to be visible on mobile & tablet only.

    Then add a 3-column row. And for the first column, add your logo image module. And second column add your button module. And third column, add a menu module. All the modules set margin botom 0.

    And set the Section Settings padding top & bottom to be 0.

    And go to the Row Settings > Advanced > Custom CSS > Main Element & add:
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    By doing so, the 3 columns will be side by side on mobile.

    And lastly, add the below CSS in Divi > Theme Options > Custom CSS to make the menu open in fullwidth:
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    Then just style it to fit your need.