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Solved Parallax on Background Video

Discussion in 'Free Divi Community Forum' started by Junjor, Sep 29, 2019.

  1. Junjor

    Junjor New Member

    Hey Divi-Nation,

    here is my question and i hope someone of you knows the solution. Maybe it´s quite simple?!....

    I want to create a parallax effect on a background video (Divi-Theme)
    Something like that: https://platzprojekt.de

    After a lot of reading and watching tuorials on the internet it doesn´t look like there´s a way for me to realize it (nativly only pictures comes along with a parallax-effect).

    But the example i quote has done!! HOW?? What kind of CSS maybe??

    Someone who knows a way?

    I would be very happy about a working answer :)
    Thanks a lot
    #1 Junjor, Sep 29, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2019
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  2. Divi.Help

    Divi.Help Administrator
    Staff Member

    You can try the below CSS in Divi > Theme Options > Custom CSS:
    Log In or Sign Up to view this code.
  3. Junjor

    Junjor New Member

    YES !!!!!! CSS WORKS!!!!!

    THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! :):)

    1. PRO MEMBER PERKS Divi Ultimate Header Plugin - Add more varieties for your Divi header (12 premade styles) + menu hover effects:Learn More
  4. ErikB

    ErikB New Member

    Can you tell me more about how you did it?

    I added the CSS code as described.
    I've added a new section (Regular). Then inserted a video. But now I can't choose the video as a background and neither can the parallax effect.

    Please help.
    If possible, step by step.

    Many thanks
  5. Divi.Help

    Divi.Help Administrator
    Staff Member

    You should be able to set the Section Background to be video. See screenshot below:

    1. PRO MEMBER PERKS Divi Block Pro - Premade team carousel design for your Divi site without using any plugins:View Demo
  6. ErikB

    ErikB New Member

    Many Thanks. It worked.

  7. Max2021

    Max2021 New Member

    Hello, I have followed this procedure, but I cannot get the footer to show. This disappears as soon as I modify the class

    .et_pb_section_video_bg {
    position: fixed!important;

    Help me please.

    Attached Files:

    1. PRO MEMBER PERKS Divi Ultimate Header Plugin - Add more varieties for your Divi header (12 premade styles) + menu hover effects:Learn More
  8. Divi.Help

    Divi.Help Administrator
    Staff Member

    Kindly share your URL.
  9. Tony Turquet

    Tony Turquet New Member

    Hello, I have the same problem, the footer shows the background video on my website. Using DIVI builder
    1. PRO MEMBER PERKS Beautifully crafted custom colored 'Digital Marketing' Divi layout for all Pro members:View Demo
  10. Divi.Help

    Divi.Help Administrator
    Staff Member

    Kindly share your URL.
  11. TJ Marek

    TJ Marek New Member

    I added this snippet and it worked great, however it takes up the entire page. Right now I have two sections with background videos. I would like to leave the first one full screen, and then continue to scroll down past the first section of the page, to the second one, and then have the background parallax effect kick in. So you see one full screen video, scroll past it, and the second section have the video become fixed there to create a parallax effect. Any ideas?

    1. PRO MEMBER PERKS Divi Block Pro - Premade before / after image slider for your Divi site without using any plugins:View Demo
  12. Zorax

    Zorax New Member

    Hello, I'm having the same issue right now on my website, just started working on a project with Divi, and found this forum to add Parallax on my background video but it also made my footer disappear. It looks like there's something acting weird with footer size, because when I just check the same page on phone, it seems to appear, on my home page it doesn't on any device.

    Here is the link if someone has a solution: https://www.zorax-builds.com/builds-teso/