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Solved Text hover image in Portfolio.

Discussion in 'Free Divi Community Forum' started by nbietti, Oct 14, 2019.

  1. nbietti

    nbietti Member

    Attached Files:

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  2. Divi.Help

    Divi.Help Administrator
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  3. nbietti

    nbietti Member

    nothing has happened...
    Is it because it is focused on the "Galleries" and mine is a "Portfolio"? What would the code be like in that case?
    1. PRO MEMBER PERKS Divi Ultimate Header Plugin - Add custom vertical navigation for your Divi site. Turns into slide in menu on mobile:Learn More
  4. Divi.Help

    Divi.Help Administrator
    Staff Member

    I see you're using portfolio.

    You can just try to use Fullwidth Portfolio Module instead. It has overlay design by default.
  5. nbietti

    nbietti Member

    Thanks but it's not what I'm looking for.
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  6. Divi.Help

    Divi.Help Administrator
    Staff Member

    Here's a custom CSS code to make the title into a hover overlay. Though, it will only works with the title of the portfolio. Not other elements.
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  7. nbietti

    nbietti Member

    That's fine and it works, thanks. But I would need you to show me the title of the image not of the project.(In the title of the images, the measurements of each model appear, as you can see in its lightbox)
    1. PRO MEMBER PERKS Divi Block Pro - Premade dynamic background hover design for your Divi site without using any plugins:View Demo
  8. Divi.Help

    Divi.Help Administrator
    Staff Member

    For the portfolio module, it won't show the title of the images.

    I guess you could try to re-create the design of each portfolio items using normal module & set them to link to each individual portfolio. The downside is that you need to manually add new portfolio items in the page itself. It won't auto-populate from your WP Admin portfolio items.

    Something like this: https://divi.help/threads/divi-text-hover-overlay-image-section-free-json-file.1516/
  9. nbietti

    nbietti Member

    I understand, but as the Gallery can: https://divisoup.com/r37-how-to-show-the-gallery-image-title-and-caption-on-hover/

    I thought that with some code or modifying the code provided in the article it would work.
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  10. Divi.Help

    Divi.Help Administrator
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  11. nbietti

    nbietti Member

    Thank you anyway. I solved it with the Project and Portfolio Pro plugin.
    1. PRO MEMBER PERKS Divi Ultimate Blog Plugin - Easily set awesome default design for your Divi single blog page:Learn More
  12. Enrique Salazar

    Enrique Salazar New Member

  13. Divi.Help

    Divi.Help Administrator
    Staff Member

    Looks fine to me:

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  14. LanzaderaOnline

    LanzaderaOnline New Member

    Hi! Thanks so much for this, worked perfectly :)
    I wanted to ask you if you could please share how do you include the scripts like this one in your answers and bolg posts in divi, for them to work and mantain functionality?
    I have tried everythinggggg to share scripts/snippets like this ion my blog for months now but nothing works for me in the divi builder...not snipplr, not syntaxhighlighter evolved....
    Thanks so much!
  15. Yolandi

    Yolandi New Member

    Hi there,

    I used the above code and it is working beautifully on the desktop version of the site, however for mobile screens the title is sitting in the middle of the entire portfolio and not on the individual portfolio item as it should. How can I extend the code for it to display correctly on tablets and phones?

    I have attached screenshots of how it displays on the desktop as opposed to my phone, but here is the URL for the site, should you wish to have a look at what it is doing...

    This is the code that I inserted into the custom CSS at the bottom of each page that has a portfolio module:

    .et_pb_portfolio_item .et_pb_module_header {
    position: absolute!important;
    top: 50%!important;
    transform: translateY(-50%)!important;
    text-align: center;
    left: 20px;
    right: 20px;
    opacity: 0;
    z-index: 10;
    transition: all 0.3s ease;
    pointer-events: none;
    .et_pb_portfolio_item:hover .et_pb_module_header {
    opacity: 1!important;
    .et_pb_portfolio_item .et_overlay:before {
    display: none!important;

    .full-width-btn {
    width: 100%;
    text-align: left;

    Then another question I have is how could I have this apply only to certain portfolio modules? There is a portfolio page where I would like to style a full width filterable portfolio differently to the grid style portfolio that I've used on other pages, but would also like to include at the top of the page. I have excluded the code from the page in the interim, as the code is obviously affecting the full width portfolio as well.

    Here is the URL for the portfolio page:

    I would really appreciate your help with this.

    Kind regards,
    Yolandi Screen Shot 2021-07-02 at 09.55.52.png Screenshot_20210702-095604_Chrome.jpg Screenshot_20210702-095620_Chrome.jpg
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  16. Divi.Help

    Divi.Help Administrator
    Staff Member

    Try the below CSS:
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    For that case, just add this CSS Class before those custom CSS: .ds-hover-gallery